Collection: Plates

In this ongoing collection of photographs, I illuminate the human experience amidst the ever-changing tides of life. Each image acts as an ode to the elemental forms of existence, where the absence of color draws us closer to the weight of moments captured in time. The silence that permeates each frame is an invitation to pause and reflect, to immerse oneself in a contemplative space where inner experiences echo the world around us.

Enduring the seismic shifts from the analog era to the digital age, photography remains a steadfast form of art. In the face of technological revolutions, it has not just survived but evolved, adapting to new mediums without losing its essence. This journey celebrates the resilience of a timeless craft by recording the photographs in their original digital form and preserving them as unique, one-of-a-kind works of art, minted on the blockchain through a single smart contract. The practice of numbering the images as ‘plates’ not only echoes a traditional term used for cataloging original photographic works but also mirrors the influence of numerology observed in early crypto art.

Adding a tangible dimension to these narratives, handmade platinum editions are introduced as meticulously crafted reproductions of the original digital works. These prints, while offering a physical manifestation of the art, reinforce the idea that the digital format is the foundational form of the artwork. They invite the viewer to reflect on the coexistence and interplay between digital originality and tangible replication.This exploration unites innovation with tradition, weaving a narrative that echoes through art's history, where timeless artistry finds its modern voice.
reflection on creek